Trusted by thousands of therapists worldwide, Speak Better delivers effective and empowering tools for individuals with stuttering, cluttering, and related speech disorders.
It improves fluency and speech clarity by offering visual, tactile, and kinaesthetic feedback for reducing rate of speech, increasing utterance length, and sequencing sounds in multisyllabic words while reading aloud from specially designed practice material.
A friendly and calming interface packs a set of very powerful features:
- Customize and gradually adjust pacing speeds
- Tactile pacing (long-press or single tap, like a pacing board)
- Highlight Syllables or entire Words
- Phonetically-balanced Passages (Arthur the Rat, The North Wind and the Sun, ...)
- Create and maintain a Library of custom Passages
- Adjustable pause durations on punctuation
- High-contrast mode for low-vision support
- Special fonts for Dyslexia
- Voice Volume Indicator for instant feedback
Designed by researchers from Stanford University, Speak Better has been clinically and rigorously tested. It is designed to be used by SLPs in practice as well as by patients at home.
Treatment goals can include:
- Breaking up syllables
- Slowing a sentence utterance down
- Inclusion of medial or final consonants
- Expanding mean length utterance
Speak Better is very flexible and can be used as an assistive tool in a variety of disorders, including:
- Cluttering, Stuttering & Fluency disorders
- Verbal Apraxia
- Dysarthria
- Articulation & Phonological Processing
Get your copy of this empowering and easy-to-use tool now.
Speak Better VPP is compatible with Apples Volume Purchase Program for Education and does not contain any in-app purchases or other restrictions. There is a 50% discount for bulk purchases of 20+ units.